Moving to Astro

astro, programming

I’ve been using React for my website for a while now, but I felt like it was a bit overkill for a simple website like mine. I was looking for something that was a bit more lightweight and easier to use, and also allow me to write my posts in markdown. I found Astro and it seemed like a good fit for what I was looking for.


Astro is a static site generator, which is also pretty fast. Since this website does not actually need a backend, I thought it would be a good fit. I find it important to be able to host my website almost freely, and there seems to be a lot of options for static site hosting. I’m currently using my domain provider’s free hosting, for which I only pay for the domain itself.


I’ve been trying to write in markdown for a while now, and I really like it. It’s a lot easier to write in markdown than in HTML, and it’s also a lot easier to read while editing. I also like that I can write my posts in my code editor, VSCode, and then the posts just magically appear on my website after pushing the newest changes.


I’ve been really enjoying Astro for development and the ease-of-use. I’m also looking forward to writing more posts in general, and I’m hoping that Astro will help me with that.